FAST MAX is the new version of FAST, now it is even more versatile and with so many functions that make this accessory unique in the world, that's right IN THE WORLD! Yes, we have a worldwide patent.


In addition to all the advantages of a dedicated and “plug and play” system that makes the work better, faster and more efficient, enabling installation even on cars still under warranty, because it does not require any type of change in the original design of the vehicle.


FAST MAX is a device that helps with Performance, Economy and Security, all with instant and quick access via Smartphone. Just imagine usingyourcellphone as a presencekey, making it impossibletoacceleratethevehiclewhenyou are away? It has more advantages, you can program how much the vehicle Will be accelerated, ideal for use when your car Will need to be used in man euvers by third parties, such as valet services.




Proven fuel economy – average – of 20%, that's right in the ECOMODE function, the device makes accelerations smoother and this increases fuel economy, ideal for those who drive a lot, imagine saving a tank every Five fill-ups, goodright?


For those looking for PERFORMANCE, theans wer is also FAST MAX, there are nine levels of adjustments that make the vehicle's responses muchs marter, ideal for those looking for sportiness, quick acceleration and need a car that is agile when overtaking!